Parade Day Today!
Our church made it’s way down 15th St. We were at the end of the parade, by design. Our big crew follows the parade and picks up trash. I got a kickout of the “Parade Goers” mentality to that act.
Most people would thank us, pick up their trash and throw it in our bags. It was great!
But I had a number of families who had piled up all their trash on the curb. I would go over to pick it up for them, and they would just sit and watch with their arms crossed. It was almost as though I was as much a part of the entertainment as the clowns in the buggies.
Maybe it was an entitlement attitude, maybe they weren’t really paying attention, maybe it wasn’t their trash. I wasn’t really expecting them to help. It just struck me.
I guess I have a hard time relating to that. I have a tough time with people serving me, I have an even harder time being served while I am watching and doing nothing.
The float, however, looked great. We spend the better part (better being “all”) of the afternoon putting it together. Here is today’s POD of Thing 1, Thing 2 and Thing 3 testing the stage.