Christmas Musings

This is it once again!

Christmas and the New Year are here. I am planning on working all but the sanctioned holiday’s this week and next, but I am also looking forward to the family trickling in over the next few days.

We have a full house with my parents, my mother-in-law and one of my brothers all taking their rooms, but I REALLY enjoy having family around. It is funny to think of how the festivities of Christmas have changed for me over the years.

Now that I am a parent, I am more excited to watch my kids open their gifts, than I am to open mine. Additionally, I am more excited to spend Christmas Day, not playing with my gifts, but playing with my family. I love the endless supply of Cookies, Coffee and Board games that make up Christmas Day around our house.

I KNOW! That is not what Christmas is all about. I will certainly mention the purpose behind the celebration as we get closer to Christmas, but for now I am looking forward to time well spent with family


As for work? I am enjoying a day where there are not many people on site. This week and next are expected to be pretty busy around here as people take time off and burn vacation time before the end of the year.

I love being in the office when it is empty. I am really able to catch up on some things. If I meet my goals, I will enter the new year with a completely reorganized office.


Only one thing to say… NFL.. NFC North… NO ONE deserves to see the post season.

Merry Christmas!