Rhapsody music service announced a deal with Verizon Wireless, where some subscribers will be able to download “As much music as they want” from Rhapsody in the form of DRM free MP3s. This will allow downloads to be moved onto the iPod or pretty much any digitial music player.
So here’s my question to you…
What is more appealing in your music consumption. Pay-per-download like iTunes or Amazon? Or the subscription model like Rhapsody?
Think of it in the same way you pay for text messages. If you do a lot, the subscription is worth while, if occasionally, then per item is better. It shouldn’t be to hard to figure out how many songs you would have to download per month to make the subscription worthwhile, if you don’t download that many, then stick to the pay-as-you-go plan.
As for me, I’m so cheap, I just hum the songs I like into the microphone on my computer, convert the WAV file to MP3 and copy it to my MP3 player, but don’t tell the IRAA, I’m sure that that must be a violation of something.
depends on the price. i only listen to about 10 new songs a month, sometimes 20. then they get old and I move on. so for 99 cents on i-tunes, thats $10-20 bucks a month. I dont think i would pay for a subscription that costs more than that.