This one goes out to my family living below the Mason-Dixon line.
I am not a huge Nascar fan at all. I do, however enjoy watching competition. ANY competition.
Last night I watched the closing laps of the 500. At the conclusion, I called my friend who is our church’s youth pastor, and ALMOST ruined his night. He is a big Nascar fan, but was also working on preparations for our youth group tubing outing. Apparently he taped it. When I called to tell him it was over, he very quickly told me to hold my tongue. I almost gave him the results.
I have never had to watch a sporting event tape delayed, where I did not know the outcome.
Jeff Gordon did win though, and that’s OK with me. The more I get to know Nascar fans, the more I realize that No one likes Jeff Gordon. However, I have yet to get a good reason for that. Some have told me that it may be more because of his fans, than he. But again, I have yet to actually meet a Jeff Gordon fan. Everyone I come in contact with has joined the “cool-club” of not liking Gordon.
The perception that not liking Jeff Gordon appears to cut against the grain of popular culture. However, if EVERYONE feels it is sets them apart, to speak poorly of Gordon, it has now become the popular thing to do. Therefore, to truely by counter-culture, one must become a Jeff Gordon fan.
GO 24 Car!