
I was inspired by my Sister’s successful attempt to blog every day in 2011. (Here)

While I may not be as good at finding the words… I thought I’d try to find the images.

I started a pic-a-day blog at http://blisspic.wordpress.com

The blog will just display one photo from my day. A small glimpse into each day’s story.

It is meant to help me do a few things:

  • Get better at creating/finding content.
  • Look UP more… try to be more observant of the things around me.
  • Get some WordPress.com experience (boring… I know). I do a LOT of self-hosted WordPress work (wordpress.org), but have a few friends who could use some help on the hosted WordPress platform (wordpress.com). This blog will get me there a little more.

All the photos will be taken on my iPhone, and all the pictures will be posted using the WordPress iOS app.

I hope you enjoy it!