What is Twitter?

That’s a question I get from a lot of friends, when I talk about “Twitter”.

My Twitter status also updates my Facebook Status, so the term occasionally comes up with the “general public”.

Here is a great video that explains it in terms that are easy to grasp.

A bit creepy that the main character (addicted to her phone and blogs) is named “Carla”

I Can Help!

I rarely talk about projects I am working on before they launch, but I am pretty excited about this one.

I am breaking my “silence” rule, because it has been broken for me with a nice “buzz” campaign.

I am working with the station to create iCanHelpTwinCities.com. This is a site that will allow local churches and non-profit organizations to post volunteer needs they have. People looking for ways to plug in can search the database of opportunities to connect with these volunteer needs (because, HEY, we all have a ton of free time right??).

It is kind of like a “Craig’s List” for volunteers!

We have already heard from a number of organizations that are really excited to have this tool at their disposal.

I guess what excites me about this project is that it really has a chance to make the Twin Cities better, on a large scale. I don’t know that I have worked on a project that has as much potential as this one.

So, here’s the deal! We are looking for organizations to help us test out the sign-up and posting tools. We are pretty confident they work, but we want to make sure they are easy enough to use and meet the needs of the posting organizations. If you work for a non-profit that uses volunteers, or know someone who may be interested (I am thinking Twin Cities 7 County Metro Area), feel free to leave a comment on this blog post. We would love to have you try it out and give us your feedback.

David and the Mech

I should probably have an opinion on this.

But I just can’t put it together.

Mecha Manga Bible Heroes
This one is “David and Goliath”

Here is the copy from their website:

In Spring, 2008 from JMG Comics. The 32-page, full color Mecha-Manga Bible Heroes series is filled with action-packed mecha-manga art and adventure-filled tales from the Old Testament – all for just $2.99! The characters, stories and themes remain the same. Only the setting has changed – to a futuristic world of robots, aliens and advanced technology! Be sure to reserve your copy today.

So… um… David reached into the lava flow an picked up 5 smooth hyper-laser-blaster-beams…

…Goliath sneered “Am I like a Quartog that you come after me with a Proton-parcep?”