
Ok… so I didn’t say more… Sorry…

You know what’s funny? I find myself a lot more cautious around friends and family who are bloggers. I am careful what I say and how I act, for fear that I may end up their next subject. I think they all know that I read them, so I am sure they write with that in mind, but being able to glimpse deeper into the way they think on a daily basis, really effects (or is it affects) the way I interact with them.

I don’t really expect to see my self as the subject of a blog rant (with the exception, perhaps, of this one). But, when I screw up in front of a coworker, or a family members sees me fall short in an area, I can almost imagine the blog entry they are logging into their own thought life.

Car Crash

I got in my first accident on Friday.

I don’t have time to tell you about it right now, but I intend to before the day is out…

Musings in a minor key

Things have gotten exceptionally busy at work in the past 2 weeks. Not in a bad way. In fact it has gotten rather exciting, as there have been some ground breaking projects I have had the pleasure to particpate in. What I am finally getting good at, however, is saying “no”. I don’t have to do it too often, and really try to avoid doing it at all.

I guess it is reassuring though. In a time when everyone is looking for a way to save a buck or 10, I have found myself in a place where I feel pretty well needed. So I got that going for me…which is nice…

A bit of travel in the next month. That should allow plenty of time for some deep thoughts to show up here.

Tice Scalps Tickets

Mike Tice confessed today to scalping his Super Bowl Tickets (SI Article)

I often get comp tickets to events my employer puts on. I haven’t sold them yet, but maybe that’s not a bad idea. I have, once, given tickets I couldn’t use to a couple at church who really needed a night out, but I didn’t think to sell them.

So here goes… I will probably get 2 tickets to a big concert we are doing at the end of April.

Let me know if you want to buy them…

Starting price, $1200 each…

Concert Tickets

Being in radio, I rarely pay for concert tickets. I am too used to using my comps for my entertainment. And, with the kids at home, it isn’t all that easy to get out anymore.

So I figured that, when the time came to actually buy tickets for an event, I should go all out.

I just picked up a pair of tickets to see Big Bad Voodoo Daddy at the Las Vegas House of Blues.

The seats are great, the music is awesome and the venue is small.

Nessie Alliance

Last week, Japanese scientists explaced-placed explosive detonators at the bottom of Lake loch ness to blow Nessie out of the water.Sir Curt Godfrey of the Nessie Alliance summoned the help of Scotland’s local wizards to casta protective spell over the lake and it’s local residents and all those who seek for thepeaceful existence of our underwater ally.

All alone

I am home with the little ones tonight. The pretty one just left for a conference in the greater Chicago area. She will be back Friday.

Once they go to bed, I have to fold laundry. That will give me the perfect excuse to finally break down and watch Napolean Dynamite. I am only watching it for one reason. Now when anyone at work asks the question (that I get on a daily basis) as to whether or not I have seen it, I won’t have to apologize.

In fact, to make the point, I will make an effort to throw out one quote every hour around the office.

I was playing with a Blogging script for a project at work today. We are sending a crew out for a weeklong broadcast in Nashville, and we are going to have them keep a blog while there.

It is a fun script, and rather easy to put up. In fact, I may even move this blog there in the near future. I don’t think I would be losing any functionality.

Maybe… stay tuned.

Cat – Part 2

I gave up on the cat today. I figured it was well gone.

Not a big deal

We spent the evening watching the Gopher women lose the big-10 championship. My grand parents and my great aunt and uncle came over. Not because we are a lot of fun to be with (although I am sure that was part of it), but because we are the only ones in the family with ESPN2

As we saw my family out the door, we had another guest waiting to come in.

There was Spammers. (Very) Wide eyed, and rather hungry. She didn’t give me much “Howdy”, but made an instant route to the food in the basement. Once she was fed she started rubbing up on us (as cats tend to do). We noticed a few things. Her coat was only slightly dusty, so she hadn’t been spending the last 5 days outside. She may have been stuck in a garage, or may have been taken in by a well meaning “Saint Francis”. Either way, she hasn’t been exposed to the elements.

We did realize, however, that we didn’t want a cat in our bed/couch/house that had been unaccounted for for the past 5 days.

I gathered my 2 little girls, and the pretty one, and we locked the bathroom door and gave Spammers a bath. The girls got a big laugh as the pretty one held her down, and I sudsed her up.

There is nothing quite as fun (and painful) as bathing a cat.

Well… Spammers is back… for now. And Figaro is wandering the house moping.

My Cat is Missing

On Wednesday, our cat “Spammers” went missing. We are not sure why or where to. I noticed earlier that evening that the front door was a bit ajar, and suspect that she may have gone out that way. She is not an outdoor cat at all, so we thought she may have snuck outside and gotten freaked out, and hid somewhere. But it has been 5 days now, and we are pretty sure she isn’t still hiding. Chances are she ended up on someone elses doorstep. I wouldn’t blame her… I have, on occasion, forgotten to feed her.

The other possibility was that she decided she had had enough and wanted to “cash-out”. I have heard that when cats decide to call it quits, they quite often find a place to hide. With that in mind, we have spent a great deal of time searching all of the “hiding spot” in our home. We are pretty sure she is not there. (Additionally, we are getting to the point where we would begin to notice a dead cat hiding somewhere in the house).

I can’t say we are exceptionally heartbroken… Just baffled. Spammers is a cat who is already living (or was already living) her second chance.

All I can say is that Figaro (our older cat) is far more content these days.


It is Saturday and I spent a total of 30 minutes out of bed today.

I am fighting a pretty nasty sore-throat led virus. I toughed it out at work the last few days, but stayed flat on my back today.

I was thinking back to highschool days, when I would stay home with just the hint of a headache, or a slight tickle in the throat. Now that I have some responsibilities to take care of, I tough it out, to the point where I end up overdoing it, and lose a weekend.

Oh well. Perhaps that’s why God invented the sabbath.