It’s a commercial… but it had a message I needed

The way I portray myself online, isn’t me. It’s the me I want you to think I am.

The truth is, the better my life looks, the better I look. But, the more I allow you to see the way my REAL life looks, the more God has a chance to show His glory through me.

This is a car commercial… But it makes the point well.

Searching for “No”

Sometimes, the best way to test an idea, is to search for it’s opposite.

Stop searching for confirmation of your ideas… look for the “no”.

If you think that something is true, you should try as hard as you can to disprove it.

A really long tongue twister

Pinky and the Brain are one of the reasons I was still watching cartoons in High School. But, I’m not sure how I missed this gem.

I hope the voice actors got a little something extra for the effort.

Bison stampede a marathon course

One thing I love about distance running, is the chance to see some of the most beautiful territory in the world.

The problem is: Sometimes the most beautiful areas of the world are dangerous.

At this mile 5 aid station on the Layton Syracuse Marathon course in Utah, a herd of bison decided to move from the right side of the road to the left.