David and the Mech

I should probably have an opinion on this.

But I just can’t put it together.

Mecha Manga Bible Heroes
This one is “David and Goliath”

Here is the copy from their website:

In Spring, 2008 from JMG Comics. The 32-page, full color Mecha-Manga Bible Heroes series is filled with action-packed mecha-manga art and adventure-filled tales from the Old Testament – all for just $2.99! The characters, stories and themes remain the same. Only the setting has changed – to a futuristic world of robots, aliens and advanced technology! Be sure to reserve your copy today.

So… um… David reached into the lava flow an picked up 5 smooth hyper-laser-blaster-beams…

…Goliath sneered “Am I like a Quartog that you come after me with a Proton-parcep?”