My oldest daugter is an early riser. No fail, between 6:30 and 7:00 every morning, we see her. On many days, she just shoves her mother over a bit and crawls in next to her. If I am still at home, that usually forces me out of the bed and on with my day.
My favorite mornings, however, are the mornings where she follows me around as I get ready. This morning was one of those mornings. As I shaved and prepped for the day, she and I were trying to come up with things she has that begin with the letter “b” (she has to bring a “b” thing for show-and-tell next week). Yesteday was “a” day, and she decided (entirely on her own) to bring “Alabama”! Because “Alabama starts with an “A”!
She found her puzzle of the U.S. and brought the Alabama piece.
OK… That was yesterday… back to today…
I try to make an effort to tell all three of my ladies that I love them, on a daily basis. I did so to “number 1” as I made my breakfast. She looked at me, with a serious glare and said, “Dad, I love you and Mom as high as the numbers can go… (pause) with Jesus on top!”
That meant a lot to me. Not that she loves me that much, because I know that, to a 4 year old, I am still pretty much at the center of the universe. What really meant a lot is that Jesus is also placed in the center of her universe, as something that she percieves as being great.
Very endearing. Steve told me you’d posted an especially cute post about your daughter. He was right.
I hope y’alls are well! We now, officially, have free anytime long distance. If you (or, more likely, one of your three women) want(s) to talk, give me a call! We’ll return the phone call and it’ll cost you (next to) nothing! (In fact, if you REALLY want to be cheap, call, hang up before we pick up, and as long as it has rung enough times for the caller id to pick up your number, we’ll give you a call back. You risk us actually picking up, though. 🙂 )
It’s so fun to now be able to keep up on the cute grandkids stories. Keep ’em comin’! Yes, it is precious to know that Greta puts Jesus on top. Keep up the good teaching and modeling. It will pay off! I should know. I have 5 fabulous kids and 3 fabulous kids-in-law! All a blessing and a reminder of God’s Grace!