Soft Hands

I just spent some time getting Tom the Turkey (or… if it was a female… Tom the Turkey) ready for it’s 5:30 am appointment with my oven. We have a 24 lb bird this year. I have been told it is good to prepare 1 lb for every person. We actually have 12 people coming tomorrow, but that includes a 1 1/2 year old and a 4 year old. (sorry… 4 3/4… she wants me to make that clear). We are, however, healthy eaters. AND, I LOVE LEFTOVERS!

Actually, I think I like Thanksgiving leftovers more than I like the actual thanksgiving dinner itself.

We prepare our bird stuffed with apples, onions, garlic and olive oil, then smother it with olive oil on and under the skin. All that means that I now have very very soft hands right now.

I spent a good amount of time with the antibacterial soap, but still a good rubbing with olive oil and raw poultry makes for some pretty girly hands.
