Too often, I have skipped sending the “geekiest” of my tweets and facebook posts, because they just won’t make a ton of sense to the most of my friends and followers.
This is where the ability to target with Google Plus may be a big help!
I am actively involved in a number of communities.
Faith, Running, Interactive Media, WordPress Development.
I have cringed once in a while when sending a tweet, realizing that… while many in my communities may appreciate it, many others may just view it as noise.
That doesn’t mean I intend to completely “silo” my Google+ content. It just means I can be a little smarter in getting my content out.
I may push a status like “Just completed my 5th marathon!” out to everyone… but “10x800s today… had negative splits!” is probably best left for my running friends.
“Launching a new site today” may be worth sharing. “Upgraded my PHP to version 5.3… reminded I need to replace my include() statements.” can be shared with my development friends only.
If nothing else… Google+ will allow me to get geekier.