Cold? So…

Today is January 17, and it is currently -12 F in the Twin Cities. Yesterday when we got up for church, the thermometer in the truck read -16.

I don’t mind the cold so much. I don’t really have to spend a lot of time out there. But here is what I have noticed.

Once the weather gets below zero, I really don’t care what the exact temperature is. -2 feels the same to me as -22. In fact, I would prefer not to know. It is a bit harder on the psyche, but not necessarily on the body. So I would prefer to step outside on a brisk -22 day, and think “Gee. it must be around zero today”.

It all feels the same to me.

The only time I am able to tell the difference, is when the gas bill shows up.

One Reply to “Cold? So…”

  1. I talked to dad about this once. He says it feels the same because once you’re below 0 F, you’ve hit the temp where salt water freezes. And since our body is made up, more or less, of salt water, it freezes, we get the instant “ouch, it’s cold” sensation when we walk outside, and…
    oh, yeah, what’s this “WE” stuff??!? It doesn’t GET below 0 HERE! … But apparently it gets cold enough for pipes to freeze.

    Oh well. Now we’re only 2 to 5 degrees apart in temp, so it’s evening out, right?

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